HoP Club

Get the good stuff

Go to the front of the line for sneek peeks at new menu items, competitions, offers and general best-buddy perks.

We've created the HOP Club as a sign of appreciation of all you lot who continually support us and visit regularly. By signing up to our (no, not 'just another') mailing list, we'll send you suitably regular emails that will keep you up to date with the colourful HOP shaped world we've created in amongst the mass of grey suits and high buildings.

No, we won't inundate you with messages (who's got the time to read or even write them?) but we will send you a treat on your birthday. 

Thanks for being part of it! 


You'll be first to know when the latest menu drops or a new shop opens.


Freebies and thank yous on the reg.


Everything you need to know, keeping you ahead of the lunch game.


That gaming life. Win big and win often.

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